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American NPA Fancy Pigeon Bands...
Author: Jan LombardTitle: American NPA Fancy Pigeon Bands
Date: 2004-09-28 11:52:32Uploaded by: webmaster
NPA stands for National Pigeon Association. The NPA of America used rolled edge aluminum rings with embossed letters up until the end of 2002. Their 2003 order was supplied by Horst Stengel & Sohn, Firma Kunststoff Fussringe; from Schmalkalden, Germany. These rings are white plastic – similar to the modern plastic fancy pigeon rings used by most European countries. At the time of writing (February 2004) I have not seen any 2004 rings and cannot comment on it. On the pre-2003 aluminum type (manufactured by the Gey Band & Tag Company) the N and the P forms one character. We also get the English NPA and the Australian NPA. Both use the initials NPA on their rings. Both of these two countries use coloured smooth aluminum rings with engraved letters.

Most collectors find the American NPA system for ring sizes and their individual numbering system very confusing. Adding to this confusion is the fact that there are no hard and fast rules The individual numbering system works as follows: The first letter indicates the size and group of breeds, while the second letter forms part of an alphanumerical numbering system. If there is a need for it, I can post an e-mail on the breeds within each group. I will give the inside diameter of the different sizes below. The observant reader will notice that sizes A, C and R are the same. These 3 sizes are however used for 3 groups of different breeds. Size B & D are the same size. The same holds true for sizes E & M as well as for sizes F & H and sizes J & T. In all instances the different first letters indicate different breed groups.

It seems that the 2003 plastic rings have the same 2-letter system as well as the inside diameter in millimetres (printed vertically). You will therefore get NPA 03 7 AP, where the 7 (printed vertically) is the inside diameter. Americans do not use the metric system. Time only will tell how their ring sizes will be indicated in the future.

The second letter has no meaning at all. The purpose is to help make provision for the large number of rings per size / breeds group. You will therefore find NPA 02 AA; NPA 02 AB …. to NPA 02 AZ. I am not 100 percent sure if they ever used all the combinations up to AZ. This system enables the NPA to provide for large numbers per size / group of breeds, without having to use more than 3 digits. This is important when we consider the fact that the NPA orders between 450 000 and 500 000 “normal” rings. Most (not all) of these so-called normal rings are plain aluminium.

The NPA also orders breed club rings – 120 000 or more per year. While most clubs are “single” breed clubs that uses one size, some clubs like those for e.g. the Pouter / Cropper breeds order rings in different size to cater for the different breeds within their clubs. They do not use the same numbering system discussed above. In becomes necessary to measure their bands. Most (not all) of the breed club rings are coloured, and most use 3 or more letters to indicate their club with. There is however some clubs that uses 1, 2 or 3 letters. The instance where they use 2 letters leaves the door wide open for confusion. A good example is the American Helmet Association. They used AH up until 1990 (My latest NPA AH ring is from 1990 and my earliest NPA AHA ring from 1991). The size that they are using is the same as the “normal” A size. It is therefore possible to find a “normal” NPA AH ring that has got nothing to do with this particular breed club.

My conclusion then, is that it does not make any sense for a collector to pay any attention the second letter on “normal” NPA rings. At the same time, however he/she should be aware of the fact that it may be a breed club ring – especially if it is coloured. If the size of such a coloured ring differs from the normal size of a ring with the same first letter, you can almost be certain that it is a breed club ring.

What do I collect when it comes to American NPA rings: one per size per year of the plain aluminum rings; one per size per year of the coloured rings and one per size per year of the breed club rings with their specific initials. I will now continue to list all the different NPA rings that I know off and that I have / need. Any help with my collection will be appreciated.

NPA A size; 0.292”. I need the years up to 1958; 1960-63; 1965-73; 1975; 1977; 1979-80; 1982; 2004
NPA B size, 0.315”. I need the years up to 1965; 1968 to 1977; 1979; 1981-3;1985; 2002; 2004
NPA C size, 0.292”. I need the years up to 1972; 1974; 1977; 1979; 1982; 1999; 2003; 2004
NPA D size, 0.315”. I need the years up to 1974; 1976-1980; 1982; 1984-1986; 1989; 1992; 2001-2004
NPA E size, 0.340”. I need the years up to 1970; 1973-1976; 1982-1984; 1995; 2001-2004
NPA F size, 0.370”. I need the years up to 1972; 1974-1979; 1981-1984; 1987; 2001-04
NPA G size, ?”. I need the years up to 1962; 1964-1969; 1971-1972; 1974 and later
NPA H size, 0.370”. I need the years up to 1974; 1977-8; 1982; 1984; 2002; 2004.
NPA J size, 0.432”. I need the years up to 1979; 1982-1985; 1987; 1990; 1992; 1998; 2001-2004
NPA K size; 0.388” (with second letter as part of alphanumerical system). I need the years size up to 1970; 1972; 1974; 1976-79; 1982; 1985; 2000-2001; 2003; 2004
NPA L size, ?”. I need the years up to 1975; 1977-79; 1982-2004
NPA M size, 0.340”. I need the years up to 1974, 1976-79; 1981-2; 1984-5; 1989 to 1990; 1999-2004
NPA R size; 0.292”. I need the years up to 1970; 1972-78; 1981; 1984-85; 1988; 2002-2004
NPA T size; 0.432”. I need the years up to 1974; 1976; 1977; 1981; 1983-5; 1988-89; 1993; 2002 - 04
NPA X size. Used exclusively for ringneck doves. I need the years all years except 96
NPA Z size, 33/64”. I need the years up to 1980; 1982; 1984-5; 2003; 2004
NPA AAC American Archangel Club. I need all the years.
NPA ACA American Carneau Association. I need all the years.
NPA ADC American Dragoon Club. I need all the years.
NPA AGH American Giant Homers. up to 1975; 1980; 1983-1987; 1996; 2000-2004
NPA AH American Helmet Association. up to 1971; 1973-1977; 1979-1987; 1989; 1991- (depending on the change over to AHA)
NPA AHA 2001-04 (1990 was still NPA AH)
NPA AJC American Jacobin Club. I need all the years.
NPA AKC American King Club. I need the years up to 1959; 1961-1971; 1973; 1975; 1978; 1982-1983; 1987; 1998-2003
NPA AMA American Mookee Association. I need all the years.
NPA AMC ??? I have 76 and need all the rest.
NPA AOC American Owl Club. I need all the years.
NPA APC American Pouter Club. size 33/64” . I need the years up to 97; 2001; 2003; 2004
NPA APC American Pouter Club. size 0.370” . I need all the years, except 2000
NPA APC American Pouter Club. size o.315 . I need the years up to 1998; 2002; 2003; 2004.
NPA ACP American Pouter Club. size 0.292” . I need the years up to 1997; 2002-04.
NPA ARC American Roller Club. I need the years up to 1988; 1994; 1999; 2001-04 (must have NPA)
NPA ASR American Show Racers. I need the years up to 1978; 1980; 1982; 1985; 2003; 2004.
NPA CFC Central Fantail Club. I need all the years except 75 & 77.
NPA CO Chinese Owl Club. I need the years up to 1988; 1990-1993; 1995; 1998-2003.
NPA CPC Southern California Color Pigeon Club. size 0.370”. I need the years up to 1998; 2000; 2003
NPC CPC Southern California Color Pigeon Club. size 0.432”. I need the years up to 1996; 1998 to 2000; 2003; 2004.
NPA EH Eastern Hungarian Pigeon Club. I need all the years.
NPA EJC Eastern Jacobin Club. I need all the years.
NPA EOT European Owl & Turbit Club. I need all the years.
NPA ET Western American Trumpeter Club. ET = English Trumpeter. I need the years up to 1986; 1989; 1993-1996; 2002; 2003; 2004
NPA FOR Flying Oriental Roller Society. I need all the years.
NPA FTS Flying Tippler Society. I need all the years except 1995; 1998 and 1999
NPA GH Giant Homers Club. I need all the years except 1973
NPA GLV Great Lakes All Variety Pigeon Club. I need all the years.
NPA GRC Giant Runt Club. I need all the years except 1989
NPA INK Indian Nations Pearl Eyed Komorner Tumbler Club. I need all the years.
NPA IFC Indian Fantail Club. I need all the years up to 1986; 1989-90; 1992; 1994; 1998; 2000-2004.
NPA K unknown – maybe King Club? up to 1974; 1977; 1984-1988; 1990; 1993-2004 (see AKC). These rings have a single K, without a second letter.
NPA KTC Komorner Tumbler Club. I need all the years up to 1979; 1981-82; 1986-87; 1993; 1995; 1999-2004.
NPA MID Mid American Frill Club. I need all the years except 1995 (in 8mm size)
NPA MID Mid American Frill Club. I need all the years except 96 to 99; 01 (in 9,3mm size)
NPA MWP unknown? I need all the years except 1988
NPA NBT unknown? I need all the years except 1988 and 1990
NPA NCC North American Capuchine Club. I need all the years.
NPA NEC National English Carrier Club I need all the years except 99
NPA NFM National French Mondaine Club. I nee all the years except 1994 and 1997
NPA NM National Modena Club. I need the years up to 1975; 1977-1979; 1982-85; 1987-88; 1991; 1994; 1998; 2003; 2004.
NPA NRT National Russian Tumbler Club. I need all the years except 1991.
NPA NRTC National Russian Tumbler Club. I need all the years.
NPA PC National Pouter & Cropper Club - size 33/64”. I need all the years except 94
NPA PC National Pouter & Cropper Club - size o.370”. I need all the years except 2000
NPA PC National Pouter & Cropper Club - size 0.315”. I need all the years except 96 & 2000
NPA PM Pacific Modena Club. I need all the years up to 1967; 1969-80; 1982; 1992 onwards (see PMC). There is a possibility that we will not find any rings with a 1992 date or later, because the first year in my collection with NPA PMC is 1992.
NPA PMC Pacific Modena Club. I need all the years up to 1991 (with C) ; 1997-1998; 2000-04. See comment above. There may not be any pre-1992 NPA PMC rings.
NPA PPC Pomeranian Pouter Club. I need all the years except 1992, 1995 & 1997
NPA PTC Pacific Tumbler Club - 11mm (0.43”) inside diameter – all years except 1987 &1991
NPA PTC Pacific Tumbler Club - 8mm (0.31”) – up to 1982; 1984-88; 1993-2004.
NPA RA Unknown, RA printed vertically. I need all the years except 91 & 99.
NPA RB Rare Breeds Club?. I need all the years except 84, 98, 00
NPA RC Unknown, RC printed vertically. I need all the years except 91 & 94.
NPA RD Unknown, RD printed vertically. I need all the years except 84.
NPA RE Unknown, RE printed vertically. I need all the years except 88.
NPA RUMBLER American Giant Rumbler Club . I need all the years.
NPA SBC Syrian Breeds Club - I need all the years.
NPA SC unknown – perhaps Swallow Club? I need all the years except 65
NPA SCIF Southern Californian Indian Fantail Club. I need all the years.
NPA SPC Unknown – all years except 96 & 97.
NPA SWISS National Swiss Mondaine Club. I need all the years.
NPA TD Old Dutch Tumbler Club. I need all the years.
NPA UNC United Nun Club. I need all the years except 2002
NPA UOR United Oriental Rollers. I need all the years except 1998
NPA USC United Swallow Club. I need all the years except 1993; 1994; 2001 & 2002
NPA WEST West Of England Tumbler Club. I need all the years except 1995 & 2001
NPA WFC Western Fantail Club. I need all the years except 2001
NPA WO Western Owl Club. I need all the years.
NPA WOC Western Owl Club. I need all the years up to 1986; 1989; 1997-2003
NPA WPC Western Pouter club - size 0.370”. I need all the years except 93. There should be other sizes as well.

Hopefully this article may convince somebody to start collecting American NPA fancy pigeon rings. I have a large selection of duplicates of both “normal” and breed club rings to trade! Let me know if you are interested.

Jan Lombard

Coo time for a brew!...Where next?
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