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UK Channel Racing still on Hold...
Author: RWSTitle: UK Channel Racing still on Hold
Date: 2006-06-09 20:37:11Uploaded by: Webmaster

With us now entering mid June, national and classic racing should be in full flow, however due to the DEFRA Avian Flu restrictions UK pigeon racing is still confined to inland racepoints only.

Already we've missed races from Falaise and Alencon with the British International Championship Club; St Malo and St Nazaire with the National Flying Club; Messac with the British Barcelona Club; Lillers with the Up North Combine; Falaise with the Midlands National Flying Club.

When representatives from UK racing pigeon unions met DEFRA in London on 23rd May 2006, the outcome was that a decision was likely to be made within two weeks; however now nearly three weeks later pigeon fanciers are still waiting!

Considering that the French have allowed pigeon racing from their territory since 17th May, and Belgium, Holland, and other European nations successfully racing from France since then; it is incredibly frustrating that DEFRA cannot give us a definitive answer!

The Royal Pigeon Racing Association General Manager, Peter Bryant and others must feel disappointed that all their hard work since the Avian Influenza restrictions came into effect, more than 6 months ago, have as of yet come to no avail.

And indeed fanciers are urged to lobby their Members of Parliament, whether they be sitting in Holyrood, Westminster or Europe.

Whilst this decision is pending there is no time like the present to lobby your MP. If you live in Exeter then it is a good time to visit your local MP and DEFRA minister Ben Bradshaw. Outside of Exeter do contact your local MP and stress the importance of continental racing. Ask your MP to ask the Secretary of State a question in relation to racing such as does he know of the financial implications to clubs and members should racing not take place? Is he/she aware of the financial implications that UK-only racing is causing? Why is DEFRA restricting us to UK racing when the French Government has opened its borders to other Western European countries for pigeon racing? These issues ARE important but it is now that YOU, as individual fanciers, as individual constituents, can make your mark. Please don’t be complacent and think someone else will do it or think that it’s a waste of time. It is not. All it takes is a phone call to make an appointment or a personal letter to your MP. He/she is obliged to acknowledge and act on your question. Tell them about your hobby and your passion for I know that is what it is. - Peter Bryant - View from the Reddings 30th May 2006

Pigeonbasics.com will be updated with the DEFRA decision as soon as it is available, and of course any news in the meantime.

Coo time for a brew!...Where next?
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